Friday, August 7, 2009

Fresh smell (and no it's not me)

Okay, I am going to admit my major dorkiness for the day. I have changed the bedding on my queen sized bed and I am loving it. I love, love, love the smell of fresh sheets, pillow cases and a comforter.

I inhale all the smells of the laundry sheets and detergent and smile like a giant goofball. I sprawl all over my queen-size bed and just smell it. I hold the pillows up and smell them. Then I turn on my back and feel the fresh bedding beneath me.

The only thing better would be if I had a clothesline to dry my bedding on. Alas, I live in an apartment and there's no way that I can wrangle that to fruition.

I also will tell you something else. I sleep on top of my comforter with a little blanket on me. I have a Sesame Street blanket from when I was in college that I use. Why not sleep under the comforter on the sheets? It's just the way I roll. I've been doing this since about fifth grade.

Usually my wonder cat, Franklin, hears the whole shenanigans going on with the changing of the bedding and he comes rushing up the stairs. He likes to be in the midst of it all. He gets in the middle and is on the sheet as I am trying to fit it in the corners but this time he missed the whole thing because he was sleeping on the sun porch. Wonder of wonders that I could make the bed all on my own.

My name is Weeble and I love the way my bed smells right now. Yep, that makes me a dork but I'll take it.


Lisa Emrich said...

Ah, fresh sheets. Now that's a pleasant thought. Love them too.

But not sleeping where you can sink into their freshness? Maybe that does sound a little dorky. But whatever works for ya. I tend to kick the comforter off myself.

Paula said...

I must be a dork too, I LOVE fresh sheets! :)

Denver Refashionista said...

I love a fresh set of sheets. You almost make me want to do laundry.