Thursday, August 20, 2009

One word answers: a new meme

It's harder than you think!! Here is what you are supposed to do...and please don't spoil the fun...copy and paste into your own note, type in your answers and tag a bunch of people - including me.

Where is your cell phone......................purse
Your hair........................................graying
Your mother....................................worrier
Your father.....................................golfer
Your favorite thing............................books
Your dream last
Your favorite
Your dream/goal...............................peacefulness
The room you are
Your fear........................................illness
Where do you want to be in 6 years........healthy
One of your wish list items...................self-confidence
Where you grew up........................... rural
The last thing you did..........................typed
What are you wearing.........................clothes
Your pets........................................sleeping
Your computer.................................necessity
Your life.........................................quiet
Your mood......................................pondering
Your car.........................................silver
Favorite store................................. unchosen
Your summer...................................dwindling
Your favorite
When is the last time you laughed............evening
Last time you cried..............................yesterday
Three of my favorite foods....................chocolate, cheesecake, pizza
Three places I would rather be right now....... Maine, Washington, Italy

1 comment:

Denver Refashionista said...

I got the fb invite but I can't see well at the moment. I will be back...