Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve 2010

Can you believe we are on the cusp of another new year? Another month of writing the wrong last two digits in our checkbooks is coming our way again.

It's hard to believe that I will spend a whole year without my Dad in 2011. How is this even possible?

I went out to dinner with my Mom earlier this evening. It was somewhat awkward but I think she is trying to thaw the iceberg between us. Although I'm not sure if she sees the iceberg in the way. I know I do.

I am actually going to hang out with some friends tonight, not drinking, but playing some Wii "Just Dance 2" and I will be able to show off my superior dancing skills. Err, rather what I "think" are my superior dancing skills. I'm not sure if my friends know what they are in for yet.

I hope I don't look like Elaine from "Seinfeld"...

I don't really make resolutions but instead I just try to do and be better than I was the day before. I figure that a smile or a kind word costs nothing but can sure brighten someone's day. I may have limited financial resources and sometimes health concerns, but there are still many things I can do to make my life and the lives of others happier.

Wishing you a healthy, happy and safe new year. Bring on 2011!

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