Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chef Weebs

Grab on to your aprons because I am cooking. Okay, don't get too excited. It's not exactly making something from scratch but I am making Tuna Helper! I rarely cook, maybe once or twice a week so this is big stuff.

Yummy and I happen to like Tuna Helper so that's a good thing.

Work was good. I didn't mix up any meds. Work went along swimmingly. Tomorrow is expected to be around 70 degrees so that means shorts for me. Yippee.

That's all I've got but I have been trying to post more often. The truth is that I've not had that much to kvetch about which means life is good. I'm trying to be and stay more positive.

Good night all!


Jen said...

: )

Webster said...

Tuna Helper - In my family it's called white trash casserole. LOL