Monday, November 9, 2009

Sadness again

Today was my Tysabri infusion. I cried all the way there and all the way home because I am so sad about Franklin. He's at the vet's now awaiting tomorrow's X rays and ultrasound.

When I came home in the middle of the day I found F on the big comfy bed. He had thrown up a large amount of bile on the bedspread. However, he started to purr as soon as I came up the stairs to pet him.

When I came home from the Ty appointment the two of us went up to get the comforter to wash it. Franklin likes to "help" make the bed so he was delighted with a new comfy and fresh smelling bedspread. Then he proceeded to loll all over the bed. I spent some time up there petting him and scratching him under the chin. He had a little snooze before I corralled him into his carrier.

I hate leaving him at the vet's but the women there adore him and know him well now. I asked them to give him fluids tomorrow after his procedures. That has to help a little.

I'm thankful for my bestest pal. I'll miss him something fierce tonight at bedtime.


Lisa Emrich said...

Oh, I hope that everything goes smoothly tomorrow. Sounds like Franklin is so very fragile right now. That brings back memories of my little 19-year old baby Joshua who is no longer with me. My thoughts are with you.

Webster said...

I'll send good thoughts to Franklin. He sounds like such a sweet kitty. Sorry he's having these problems. He's lucky to have you as his person.

Denver Refashionista said...

Aww, I'll send you some sugar.